Tuesday, November 17, 2020




I have an article, Crisis, forthcoming in the following book:


London, 17th November 2020


Critical Reflections on the Language of Neoliberalism in Education
Dangerous Words and Discourses of Possibility


Edited By 

Spyros Themelis


ISBN 9780367629564

December 29, 2020 Forthcoming by Routledge

252 Pages


Book Description

Recognizing the dominance of neoliberal forces in education, this volume offers a range of critical essays which analyze the language used to underpin these dynamics.

Combining essays from over 20 internationally renowned contributors, this text offers a critical examination of key terms which have become increasingly central to educational discourse. Each essay considers the etymological foundation of each term, the context in which they have evolved, and likewise their changed meaning. In doing so, these essays illustrate the transformative potential of language to express or challenge political, social, and economic ideologies. The text’s musings on the language of education and its implications for the current and future role of education in society make clear its relevance to today’s cultural and political landscape.

This exploratory monograph will be of interest to doctoral students, researchers, and scholars with an interest in the philosophy of education, educational policy and politics, as well as the sociology of education and the impacts of neoliberalism.



Part I. Endangering words

[1]. Crisis

Glenn Rikowski


[2]. Neoliberal globalization

Spyros Themelis


[3]. Social value

Ewen Speed


[4]. Alienation

Inny Accioly


[5]. Hegemony

Alpesh Maisuria


[6]. Immiseration

Richard Hall


[7] Commodity

Joss Winn


[8]. Social mobility

Spyros Themelis


[9].Social Inclusion

Angela Cator


[10]. Markets

Dionysios Gouvias


[11].League tables and Targets

Patrick Yarker


[12]. Managerialism

Richard Hall


[13]. Employability

Tom G. Griffiths and Bill Robertson


[14] Ability

Patrick Yarker



Part II. Words of possibility


[15]. Essence

Grant Banfield


[16]. Reflexivity

Elisabeth Simburger


[17]. Utopia

Tom G. Griffiths and Jo Williams


[18]. Hope

Hasan Hüseyin Aksoy


[19]. Social movements

Laurence Cox


[20]. Revolutionary Pedagogy

Peter McLaren


[21]. Alternative education

Richard Hall


[22]. Youth

Sandra Gadelha and Claudiana Alencar


[23]. Educators

Maria Chalari and Eleftheria Atta


[24]. School

José Ernandi Mendes


[25]. Post-Critical Education

Juan Ramón Rodríguez Fernández


[26]. Educational Commons

Yannis Pechtelidis


[27]. Socialism

Dave Hill


Conclusion: Stammering

Mike Neary


Spyros Themelis is Associate Professor in the School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia (UEA), UK.

See details at Routledge: https://www.routledge.com/Critical-Reflections-on-the-Language-of-Neoliberalism-in-Education-Dangerous/Themelis/p/book/9780367629564

Amazon.co.uk: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Critical-Reflections-Language-Neoliberalism-Education/dp/0367629569


Posted here by Glenn Rikowski:

Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: http://independent.academia.edu/GlennRikowski 

Glenn Rikowski @ ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Glenn_Rikowski