Friday, November 17, 2017


Glenn Rikowski


Glenn Rikowski
Visiting Fellow, College of Social Science, University of Lincoln, UK

International Centre for Public Pedagogies (ICPuP)
International Seminar for Public Pedagogies
A Presentation on 'Crisis and Education'
By Dr. Glenn Rikowski (University of Lincoln)

Stratford Campus
Water Lane
E15 4LZ

21st February 2018
5.00 – 6.00pm
Room: TBA


There are two parts to the presentation. Following a brief examination of the concept of ‘crisis’ the first part provides a critique of the Classical Theory of education crisis. This is the default theory of education crisis utilised by the majority of educational theorists and education activists today. Its starting point is that education crises are basically derivative of economic crises. The works of Marxists Brian Simon and Madan Sarup are important in fixing and consolidating the Classical Theory of education crisis. These will be explored in some depth.

The second part of the paper is more speculative. It seeks to pinpoint education crises as crises for capital. Thus, it is concerned with working on the weaknesses in the rule of capital (in education and in terms of its development) rather than focusing on how crises originating in the economy have deleterious effects for state-financed, public education. Two forms of education crises for capital are located, based on the mode of existence of commodity forms in educational institutions: crises of labour-power production; and crises in the ‘general class’ of commodities in educational settings. The implications for an anti-capitalist, anti-affirmationist politics of education based on this analysis are provided in conclusion.

Note: Two papers will be produced for this seminar: Critique of the Classical Theory of Education Crisis, and Education Crises As Crises for Capital. In the meantime, the following paper is useful: Crises, Commodities and Education: Disruptions, Eruptions, Interruptions and Ruptions, which is available at Academia:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 
Ruth Rikowski @ Academia:

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