Monday, April 4, 2016

Why Study the Rich?


Public Programme
April 23, 2016: 12.30-5.30pm, Free
Rabbits Roads Institute
Old Manor Park Library
835 Romford Road
Manor Park
E12 5JY
An afternoon of talks and discussion
Refreshments served. Older children and young adults welcome.

‘Why study the Rich?’ is an event that brings together cross-disciplinary approaches to studying wealth in society. Come and listen to talks by activists, writers and artists whose scrutiny, investigation and differing perspectives attempt to challenge cultural narratives and societal structures that are intrinsically linked to the maintenance of power.
Open discussion with the audience is encouraged throughout the afternoon, as together we discuss how studies of ‘the rich’ might reveal a deeper understanding of the conditions of contemporary life and contribute to the debate about inequality in society.

Confirmed Speakers:
Roger Burrows, Professor of Cities at Newcastle University
Aditya Chakrabortty, senior economics commentator for The Guardian
Jeremy Gilbert, writer, researcher and activist & Professor of Cultural and Political Theory at UEL
Katharina Hecht, PhD student at LSE, on Economic Inequality
Jo Littler, Reader in Cultural Industries at City University London
Laure Provost, Artist, screening film ‘How to make money religiously

‘Why study the Rich?’ culminates a project called The Rich as a Minority Group by artists Ruth Beale and Amy Feneck in collaboration with GCSE Sociology students from Little Ilford School in Newham.

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
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All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
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Ruth Rikowski at Serendipitous Moments: