Saturday, December 12, 2015

Forest Voices Choir

Singing ‘Line-Up’ in Forest Gate

Forest Voices Choir that Ruth Rikowski is a member of sang 3 songs for the turning on of the Christmas lights event. The lights were turned on by Robin Wales, the Mayor of Newham, on 5th December 2015. Two of the songs were Christmas Carols and the other was a lovely song advocating peace throughout the world. It is called 'Line-Up' (by Helen Yeomans).

Here are the words for 'Line-Up':

Line up, line up
Wo oh
For your place in the peaceable kingdom
Yeh, yeh, yeh.

Line up, line up
Wo oh
For your place in the peacable kingdom
Yeh, yeh, yeh.

Line up, line up
Wo oh
For your place in the peacable kingdom
Yeh, yeh, yeh

Bring your songs of freedom for a brave new world

Let me hear you
Sing, sing now.

Line up!

The rich and the poor
The weak and the strong
The humble and the proud
Won't you sing out loud
The merciful of heart
The sinner and the saint
The forgiven and the wrong
Find your voice in song
No differentiation between black and white
Let the Arab man stand by the Israelite
There ain't no creed, there ain't no colour
But the blood that flow thru your sister and brother.

*Repeat lines up to 'Line Up'.

Ruth has loaded the video of the Forest Voices Choir singing 'Line-Up'  on to YouTube.
This is the first item that she has ever loaded anything on to YouTube! Hopefully, more will follow!

Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 
Ruth Rikowski @ Academia:

Ruth Rikowski at Serendipitous Moments:

Sunday, December 6, 2015



Call for Papers for a Session on:
Crises? What Crises?
Society for Socialist Studies (SSS)
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016
University of Calgary
May 31 – June 3, 2016

Economists aren't sure the world economy ever got over the 2008/9 crisis but already warn of new financial and sovereign debt crises. Secular stagnation has become common parlance in economic circles.
Only environmentalists, pointing at climate change, the decline of biodiversity, water shortages and concomitant desertification, paint an even gloomier picture of the state and future of the world.
Not surprisingly, political scientists register a crisis of legitimation but also various crises of representation making it difficult for the discontented to articulate their concerns and mount movements for social and ecological change.
For the most parts, the left with its tradition of seeing itself as socialist heir of capitalist crises can't capitalize on the overabundance of such crises. The crisis of the left, one might think, is even deeper than the various crises of capitalism.
·         The session "Crises? What Crises?" invites papers discussing any of the following questions:
·         Which kinds of crises is capitalism facing these days? Crises of the economy, ecology, legitimation, representation and/or hegemony?
·         Do these crises affect only subsystems of capitalism or do they add up to an organic or general crisis of capitalism?
·         Are these crises structural or conjunctural?
·         What role could the left play in overcoming capitalist crises?
·         Is the left in crisis, too? If so, what kind of crisis is that and how might it be overcome?
Session organizer:
Ingo Schmidt,

Paper titles and abstracts (maximum of 100 words) should be submitted by Friday, January 29, 2016.

Work on Crisis (and Education) by Glenn Rikowski:

Rikowski, G. (2014) Crises in Education, Crises of Education, A paper prepared for the Philosophy of Education Seminars at the University of London Institute of Education 2014-15 Programme, 22nd October 2014. Available at Academia:

Rikowski, G. (2015) Crises, Commodities and Education: Disruptions, Eruptions, Interruptions and Ruptions, a paper prepared for the Research in Critical Education Studies (RiCES) Seminar, School of Education, University of Lincoln, 19th November 2105 (Revised 2nd December, 2015). Available at Academia:

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 
Ruth Rikowski @ Academia:
Ruth Rikowski at Serendipitous Moments:

All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski: