Sunday, March 23, 2014

Our Books & Pamphlets


Details on the book and pamphlets of Glenn Rikowski and Ruth Rikowski

Glenn Rikowski

Rikowski, G. (2011) Marksist Eğitim Kurami ve Radikal Pedagoji (in Turkish), Radical Marxist Educational Theory and Pedagogy, Istanbul: Kalkedon.

Green, A., Rikowski, G. & Raduntz, H. (eds.) 2007 Renewing Dialogues in Marxism and Education: Openings, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

McLaren, P., Rikowski, G., Cole, M. & Hill, D. (2006) Kızıl Tebeşir (Eğitim Söyleşileri) (in Turkish), Red Chalk: Education Talks, Trans. Ozge Yilmaz, Istanbul: Kalkedon,

Hill, D., McLaren, P., Cole, M. & Rikowski, G. (eds.) (2002) Marxism Against Postmodernism in Educational Theory, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Publisher (Lexington Books):

Rikowski, G. (2001) The Battle in Seattle: Its Significance for Education, London: Tufnell Press.
Institute for Education Policy Studies:  

Cole, M., Hill, D., Rikowski, G. & McLaren P. (2001) Red Chalk: On Schooling, Capitalism & Politics, with Foreword by Paula Allman, Brighton: The Institute for Education Policy Studies.
The Institue for Education Policy Studies :

Hill, D., McLaren, P., Cole, M. & Rikowski, G. (eds.) (1999) Postmodernism in Educational Theory: Education and the Politics of Human Resistance, London: Tufnell Press.

Allen, M., Benn, C., Chitty, C., Cole, M., Hatcher, R., Hirtt, N. & Rikowski, G. (1999) Business, Business, Business: New Labour’s Education Policy, London: Tufnell Press.
Tufnell Press (purchasing):

The Hillcole Group (including Glenn Rikowski) (1997) Rethinking Education and Democracy: A socialist alternative for the twenty first century, London: Tufnell Press.

Papers and Articles by Glenn Rikowski can be viewed at Academia:

Ruth Rikowski

Rikowski, R. (Ed.) (2010) Digitisation Perspectives, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Rikowski, R. (Ed.) (2007) Knowledge Management: Social, Cultural and Theoretical Perspectives, Oxford: Chandos Publishing.

Rikowski, R. (2005) Globalisation, Information and Libraries: The implications of the World Trade Organisation’s GATS and TRIPS Agreements, Oxford:  Chandos Publishing.