Friday, May 31, 2013

'Memento Mori' - Neil Whitehead's Fine Art Piece in London Exhibition


NEIL WHITEHEAD's fine art piece, Memento Mori will be exhibited at:

PrintSpace, London
74 Kingsland Road
London E2 8DL

Exhibition: 3rd June to 14th June, 2013
9am to 7pm

Directions to PrintSpace:
From Old Street station. Take bus 243 toward Wood Green from Stop K
From Liverpool Street: station. Take but149 towards Edmonton from Stop E
On Foot: from Old Street station (10 mins), Liverpool Street Station (15mins), or Hoxton Station (4 mins).

Neil Whitehead: Designer of 'The Flow of Ideas' website - and
'I Love Transcontiental' - and


'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Flow of Ideas:
Online Publications at:

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Policy Futures in Education: Volume 11 Number 2 (2013)


Volume 11 Number 2  2013  ISSN 1478-2103

Cornelia Gräsel, Inka Bormann, Kerstin Schütte, Kati Trempler & Robert Fischbach. Outlook on Research in Education for Sustainable Development
Mike Cole. Racism, the Left and Twenty-first-century Socialism: some observations on the Gur-Ze’ev/McLaren interchange
Ruben Gentry. Roles for Educators in Helping the USA Form a Real Global Society
Deb J. Hill & Lynley Tulloch. Can Market Capitalism be Greened? Environmental Education Revisited
Ariful Haq Kabir. Neoliberalism, Policy Reforms and Higher Education in Bangladesh
Paul Miller, Kemesha Kelly & Nicola Spawls. Getting Past the Gatekeeper: safeguarding and access issues in researching HIV+ children in Jamaica
Herner Saeverot. On the Need to Ask Educational Questions about Education: an interview with Gert Biesta
Jan Vanhoof & Paul Mahieu. Local Knowledge Brokerage for Data-Driven Policy and Practice in Education
Chuan-Rong Yeh. Existential Thoughts in Fanon’s Post-colonialism Discourse
Ricardo D. Rosa. European Higher Education and Corporate Designs of Utopia

Access to the full texts of current articles is restricted to those who have a Personal subscription, or those whose institution has a Library subscription. PLEASE NOTE: to accommodate the increasing flow of high quality papers this journal will expand to 8 numbers per volume/year as from Volume 12, 2014.
PERSONAL SUBSCRIPTION (single user access) Subscription to the January-December 2013 issues (including full access to ALL back numbers), is available to individuals at a cost of US$54.00. If you wish to subscribe you may do so immediately at
LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION (institution-wide access) If you are working within an institution that maintains a Library, please urge them to purchase a Library subscription so access is provided throughout your institution; full details for libraries can be found at
For all editorial matters, including articles offered for publication, please contact the Editor, Professor Michael A. Peters:
In the event of problems concerning a subscription, or difficulty in gaining access to the articles, please contact the publishers:

Glenn Rikowski and Ruth Rikowski have a number of articles in Policy Futures in Education. These include:
Rikowski, Ruth (2003) Value – the Life Blood of Capitalism: knowledge is the current key, Policy Futures in Education, Vol.1 No.1, pp.160-178
Rikowski, Glenn (2004) Marx and the Education of the Future, Policy Futures in Education, Vol.2 Nos. 3 & 4, pp.565-577, online at:
Rikowski, Ruth (2006) A Marxist Analysis of the World Trade Organisation’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Policy Futures in Education, Vol.4 No.4:
Rikowski, Ruth (2008) Review Essay: ‘On Marx: An introduction to the revolutionary intellect of Karl Marx’, by Paula Allman, Policy Futures in Education, Vol.6 No.5, pp.653-661:


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (live, at the Belle View pub, Bangor, north Wales); and at (new remix, and new video, 2012)  
'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Flow of Ideas:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:
Online Publications at:

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Heathwood Institute, Heathwood Press, Heathwood Network & the Global Voice Project


Hello everyone,

We have just launched our new website and are sending out several batches of newsletters to update our readers, friends, and colleagues about what has been going on over the last three months and what to expect from the organisation moving forward.

Launch of New Beta Site

- Our ambition as a group has always been to break down the barriers separating critical theoretical discourse and ‘the everyday practise of social and individual life’. In attempting to achieve this we have engaged with readers and have been working with several leading theories of alternative media and web application, to develop new ways in which a range of media projects can assist the organisation to bridge the theory-practise divide.

- One of the new features on our website includes the organisation’s Global Voice project, which acts as centralised hub or platform for the publication of non-profit research and reports.

The non-profit sector of society is notorious for its ability to encourage ethical and critical practise across many different social spheres. Drawing close links to some of the leading non-profit organisations, locally and globally, Heathwood can directly assist and support the ongoing research and practise of NPO’s in a number of fundamental ways: 1) to pull-in non-profit media, report, commentary and critique from around the world and disseminate that information in one centralised place; 2) to normatively engage with independent non-profits so as to support their efforts on a grassroots level with a highly engaged critical theory; 3) to listen to NPO’s across the globe and the struggles and conflicts they report in order to further our own understanding about social agency and structure;  and 4) to integrate non-profit research and data, which is heavily rooted in praxis, with Heathwood’s post-Frankfurt school critical theory.

- Another exciting feature that we’ve been working on for some time consists around the democratisation of media and how to make Heathwood’s site more representative of a truly social, participatory media centre.

To achieve this we have launched a new on-site comments system that allows for real-time discussion between members of the public as well as between readers/public and members of Heathwood. The aim of this new feature is to encourage over time the development of a fertile digital ground for discussion and the sharing of ideas.

Heathwood Network

We have also recently launched a new public forum called the Heathwood Network, which will further support and encourage direct discussion and engagement on a range of subjects. The forum can be accessed via the menu on our new site.

- We’ve also been developing a series of critical theory eGuides, ranging in subject from alternative education and epistemology to alternative economics and ideology critique. No launch date has been set for this programme.

-Lastly, we have been working on publishing a range of infographics, interactive media, videos and datablogs to further support our present research activity and public engagement campaigns.

New Members

We’ve welcomed a new member in past few months, Robert King, whose work in systems will be a great addition to the organisation.

We’ve also had the opportunity to work with some great people from around Europe and North America, including Glenn Rikowski, Chris Cutrone, Richard Wolff, Peter Thompson, Daniel Little, Geert Dhondt, Jeanne Willette, and others.

Moving Forward

There’s a lot planned for the upcoming year, including several new book publications and further expansion to our digital media projects.

If anyone has any questions or would like to discuss more about Heathwood and where it is headed, please feel free to contact Robert C. Smith at  

Alternatively, follow the organisation on twitter for daily publication updates.

Thanks for your support.


-The members of Heathwood

P.S. Feel free to forward this email to friends, colleagues or whomever you may think appropriate.

Robert C. Smith
Director and Researcher at Heathwood Institute and Press
Phone: +44 (0) 07919252541
Holt, Norfolk, United Kingdom


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (live, at the Belle View pub, Bangor, north Wales); and at (new remix, and new video, 2012)  
'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Flow of Ideas:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at: