This paper is my first writing, relating to my first public appearance (apart from seminars / lectures with my own students), for three years – apart from the eulogy for my father’s funeral (written on 21st February 2009). Furthermore, Dublin was only my second trip outside the UK in 32 years; so in many respects it was something special for me. Thus: it felt a bit like the first leg of a ‘comeback’ tour!
I would like to thank the people in the Praxis & Pedagogy group at The Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media (GradCam) in Dublin for inviting me (especially Glenn Loughran). They were wonderful hosts.
The paper was completed in London at breakneck speed (during the ‘marking madness’ season) on 23rd May 2011, and was delivered to an audience at The Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media, in Dublin, on 25th May. It was revised on 27th May, went through further editing and proof reading on 6-7th September, and was finally posted to The Flow of Ideas on 8th September 2011.
The full reference and link to the paper is:
Rikowski, G. (2011) Capitorg: Education and the Constitution of the Human in Contemporary Society, A paper prepared for the Praxis & Pedagogy Research Seminar, The Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media (GradCAM), Dublin, Ireland, 25th May 2011, available online at ‘The Flow of Ideas’:
http://www.flowideas.co.uk/?page=articles&sub=CapitorgNote: the paper reads better if you click onto the ‘Print Friendly’ option at the end of the page.
The tremendous flyer for the event can be viewed at:
http://www.gradcam.ie/glenn_rikowski.pdfPraxis and Pedagogy
The group is convened by Glenn Loughran, artist, activist, and PhD Scholar at the NCAD and GradCAM. Other members include John Buckley (NCAD/GradCAM), Edia Connole (NCAD/GradCAM), Susan Gill (DIT/GradCAM) and Thomas McGraw-Lewis (DIT/GradCAM).
The group convenes Wednesdays bi-weekly.
For more information on joining the Praxis & Pedagogy seminar series, and/or related activities see
http://www.gradcam.ie/, or email the group at
praxis@gradcam.iePraxis & Pedagogy is at:
http://praxispamphlet.wordpress.com/Glenn Rikowski
The Flow of Ideas:
http://www.flowideas.co.ukAll that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski: