IPDA 2011 International Conference
Aston Conference Centre, Aston University,
Birmingham, UK
Learning: a Public Good or a Private Commodity?
November 25th – 26th 2011
Welcome to the professional development conference of the year. We are in Birmingham UK again for two days of stimulating debate, high quality research reports, critical discussion and to share ideas, issues and concerns with colleagues from many countries.
Our conference title reflects widespread international interest in discussing the values and purposes of individuals and organisations involved in professional formation and learning at a time of shifting ideologies and value change.
The conference aims to develop a culture of openness, trust and critical friendship amongst IPDA members. Our international keynote speakers will address the conference themes and participants will have the opportunity to follow up issues and challenges in workshops and roundtable discussions.
By the end of the conference we intend to have reportable outcomes that can be developed and acted upon through regional seminars, website interaction and personal networking.
Conference sub themes are:
• The nature and role of learning communities
• Teaching schools: Implications for CPD
• Top Down or Bottom Up? The policy/practice interface
• Values, CPD and the concepts of effectiveness and sustained improvement
• The role of Higher Education in CPD
IPDA 2011 Conference Programme
Friday 26th November
0930- 1000: Registration
1000- 1005: Welcome by IPDA Chair, Cliff Jones
1005- 1100: Formal Opening of Conference and First Keynote Address
Glenn Rikowski, Senior Lecturer, University of Northampton *
Session Chair: Helen Mitchell
1100- 1130: Coffee/Tea Break
1130- 1300: Research Papers: Session 1
1300- 1400: Lunch
1400- 1445: Second Keynote Address
Tony Finn, Chief Executive of the General Teaching Council for Scotland
Session Chair: Jim O’Brien
1445-1530: Round Table Responses
1530-1600: Coffee/Tea Break
1600-1700: Research Papers: Session 2
1700-1800: The IPDA Trial
This year the charge is: ‘Educators stand accused of forgetting that they are shaping the values of society’
1930: Conference Dinner followed by presentation of IPDA Prizes & Fellowships
Saturday 26th November 2011
0915- 1000: Third Keynote Address
Jackie Main, Director of Learning and Development, Kaplan International Colleges
Session Chair: Cliff Jones
1000 – 1030: Keynote related Workshop
1030- 1100: Coffee/Tea Break
1100–1200: Research Papers: Session 3
1200–1330: Research Papers and Workshops: Session 4
1330-1415: Lunch
1415-1515: Parallel Seminars
Share your research with your peers and a panel of experts and receive constructive responses
How to Get Published Seminar offered by Members of the PDiE Editorial Board
‘Bring us your research issues/problems’ Seminar with Kit Field & Roger Levy
1515: Close of Conference: Professor Ken Jones, IPDA President
IPDA 2011 International Conference:
* I shall speak to the title of ‘Higher Education in Crises of Capital and Labour’. This will be part of my ‘comeback tour’. For three years (since my Rhodes paper in June 2008), I did not write anything substantial or speak in public (apart from my father’s eulogy, and, of course, lectures / seminars with my own students): no conferences, no papers, articles etc. of note – I just wrote blogs in the form of adverts for events I did not attend, but supported and thought interesting and worthwhile. I performed a service.
The first part of my ‘comeback tour’ was my talk on ‘Capitorg: Education and the Constitution of the Human in Contemporary Society’, at the Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media (GradCAM) in Dublin, on 25th May 2011.
See: and
Glenn Rikowski
The Flow of Ideas:
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Ockress: